Privanova’s Dissemination Channels
The role of dissemination in Horizon Europe
The Horizon Europe rules stipulate that EU-funded projects need to have tangible results that must be widely disseminated and exploitable.
Dissemination and communication activities are a fundamental part of EU-funded projects, as the aim of these projects is to generate inventive ideas and tools that can be taken up by interested stakeholders. How the outputs of a project are disseminated determines the scope of its social, economic, and policy impact.
Therefore, at Privanova, we make the most out of our dissemination activities by putting to work a cohesive and ever-growing networking structure.
Privanova’s website and social media
At Privanova, we ensure that the outputs of the projects we participate in are sufficiently visible on our own website and social media. We consider dissemination as leverage to a project’s success and not as a mere formal requirement. That is why we have created Pulse by Privanova, our newsletter to which anyone can subscribe to get the latest news regarding our ongoing projects.
Privanova is also present on social media platforms. In this sense, we use our LinkedIn page to disseminate project activities in which we participate, but also to communicate on news pertaining to our partners’ activities. Privanova is also planning to expand its social media presence through a Twitter account that will be launched in the upcoming weeks.
Crowdhelix is an online platform that allows businesses, universities, and innovators to conceive together cutting-edge projects under Horizon Europe.
Therefore, Crowdhelix is seen by Privanova as a go-to tool for dissemination, especially for those projects that involve Open Calls where other community members can apply. We have, for instance, partnered with Crowdhelix in our dissemination and standardization efforts in projects such as MARVEL, CC DRIVER, and IoT-NGIN.
Interpol’s Cybercrime Knowledge Exchange
Privanova joined Interpol’s Cybercrime Knowledge Exchange as a member in 2021. The Cybercrime Knowledge Exchange was created by Interpol in order to facilitate the pooling of information relevant to cybercriminality.
CKE is used by Privanova as a platform to connect with several stakeholders, especially law enforcement agencies, that can benefit from the outputs of relevant EU-funded projects we work on such as CC DRIVER, CYBERSPACE, and TRACE.
Living in.EU
As we diversify the portfolio of EU-funded projects that we participate in, we try to integrate specialized networks that would help us have a meaningful impact within each of our projects.
Living-in.EU is one of these prized networks. Formally, it is an initiative that advocates for a sustainable digital transformation in cities across the EU. At Privanova, we supported the initiative as it coincides with our vision of ethically responsible use of digital means in the cities of the future.
Privanova partakes in MARVEL, IoT-NGIN, and CYRENE; projects that coincide with the core mission of the initiative. We have therefore focused a part of our dissemination efforts in these projects through the Living in.EU initiative.
CERIS – Community for European Research and Innovation for Security
The Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS) was created in order to bring together a wide range of stakeholders to discuss security in Europe. The community is conceived as a facilitator of dialogue around topics such as crime, disasters, and border management.
Topics such as these are in perfect accordance with several projects that we contribute to at Privanova. These projects include TRACE which focuses on money laundering and illicit financial flows and CYRENE, a project that was conceived to add resilience to supply chains in the EU.
CERIS Helps us identify and target eventual contributors who would showcase an interest in the results of these projects.
ENFSI (European Network of Forensic Science Institutes)
The European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) is the most extensive representation of the forensic community in the EU. Its mission is to discuss the main issues that the field faces and to suggest efficient remedies. This mission entails the production of reliable, efficient, and innovative tools to the support the work of forensics professionals.
Our expertise in law enforcement led us to provide backing to this mission by disseminating the results of EU projects that pertain to ENFSI’s efforts. These projects include TRACE, CYBERSPACE, and CC Driver and they tackle various modalities of crime such as money laundering, cybercriminality, and terrorism.

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