Understanding the drivers of cybercriminality, and new methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate cybercriminal behaviour
A free, democratic and open EU provides endless opportunities for its people. However, growth is not without risk, especially in cyberspace, in the ubiquity of connected devices and rapid technological change. Criminality is also adapting, seeking opportunity and taking on new forms.
CC-DRIVER will use a multidisciplinary approach from the domains of psychology, criminology, anthropology, neurobiology and cyberpsychology to investigate, identify, understand and explain drivers of new forms of criminality. We will focus on human factors that determine criminal behaviours such as cyber juvenile delinquency and adolescent hacking. Scientific investigation of drivers into cybercrime, impact of online disinhibition and the effect of youth decision-making processes will inform our evidence-based intervention, mitigation and deterrence strategies. Our measures will be designed to educate regarding criminality and to divert youth from crime. Our consortium will investigate “cybercrime-as-a-service”, its modalities, purveyors and trends so that Member States, stakeholders and citizens have a shared view of the dimensions of cybercriminality, its impact on our society and economy and what we, collectively and individually, can do to overcome them.
Our Role
Within the project, Privanova provides expertise in two main areas: Privacy, Data Protection & Ethics Compliance and Law Enforcement. We take part in WP6 on Ethics, Data Protection and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment. Here we lead the efforts around the establishment and management of the Ethics Advisory Board. We help the consortium address the Ethics Requirements received during the evaluation phase of the proposal. We also contribute to tasks on performing the Ethical, Privacy and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment, and take part in WPs 1, 3, 4 and 7. Main skills: Ethics Compliance, Privacy, Data Protection Impact Assessments, Risk Management, Liaising with LEAs.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation programme under grant agreement N°883543. All information on this website reflects only the authors’ view. The Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information this website contains.
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Trilateral Research Ltd (TRI)
F-Secure Oyj (FSC)
Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)
Software Imagination & Vision S.R.L (SIMAVI)
Valencia Local Police (PLV)
Ministério da Justiça – Policia Judiciária (PJ)
University of Applied Sciences for Public Service in Bavaria (PayHfoD)
University of Lausanne (UNIL)
Center for Security Studies (KEMEA)
University East London (UEL)
Information Security Forum Limited (ISF)
Privanova SAS (PN)
Hellenic Police (HP)