AI-Driven System for Enhanced Entity Identification and Resolution in Counter-Terrorism Investigations
The IAMI project tackles several significant challenges current identification techniques face in security, intelligence, and investigative contexts. One of the primary challenges is the difficulty in handling large-scale entity identification and resolution, especially when dealing with diverse and multi-modal identity-related data, such as biometric and non-biometric information. Additionally, the project addresses the challenge of effectively managing noisy or corrupted probe data, which can often lead to false positives or misidentifications. Current systems also struggle with the simultaneous and rapid identification of multiple entities, and there is a lack of precision in classifying fake identities, bots, or avatars. Another key challenge is the limited collaboration and data sharing between European law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and international organisations, preventing effective cross-border intelligence and security efforts.
The primary objective of the IAMI project is to develop an AI-powered software system that seamlessly integrates with existing case management systems and analytic tools, enhancing entity identification and resolution. At the core of the system is the 'Identity-Attributes-Matrix (IAM)', a 3D construct designed to handle a wide range of identity-related attributes and facilitate large-scale entity identification. IAMI aims to improve the speed and accuracy of multi-entity identification, reduce false positives, and increase confidence in data analysis, even when dealing with incomplete or corrupted probe data. The project also seeks to lay the groundwork for improved data sharing and collaboration among European agencies and international organisations like EUROPOL and INTERPOL, through the creation of an EU-wide IAMI data repository for terrorist threat assessment. Ultimately, IAMI aims to revolutionise the intelligence, investigation, and forensic capabilities of EU LEAs and security organisations, advancing the fight against terrorism.
Our Role
Privanova's role in the IAMI project involves several key tasks centred around regulatory compliance, risk assessment, and integration strategies. Privanova is responsible for producing reports on the link between IAMI and EUROPOL/INTERPOL, offering recommendations for system adoption and integration within existing EU LEA frameworks. The company also leads the regulatory compliance efforts, ensuring the AI components comply with the EU AI Act, and conducts risk assessments using the AP4AI framework. Additionally, Privanova is involved in the development of exploitation strategies, synergies with other H2020/HEU projects, and data management plans that align with FAIR principles. It also provides legal and ethics guidance, oversees the IEAB (Independent Ethics Advisory Board) activities, and delivers periodic ethics reports throughout the project.
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University of Public Administration in Bavaria
Idemia Group
NEC Laboratories Europe
Bruno Kessler Foundation
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Institute of Theory of Information and Automation
Murcia City Council
Police of the Republic of Moldova
Cyprus police
Kielce Provincial Police
Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of the Interior
KEMEA – Center For Security Studies
Netherlands Forensic Institute
Austrian Institute Of Technology
National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics
Privanova SAS
Libereu Entrepreneurship
National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police