FACILITATE Project – Kick-off Meeting
The FACILITATE Project is launched
The FACILITATE project consortium organised a virtual Kick-off meeting on January 24th and 25th 2022. Besides the project officer representing the European Commission, more than 80 representatives of 26 consortium partners were in attendance. The FACILITATE project is implemented under the Innovative Medicines Initiative (MI2) Programme of the Horizon 2020.
Innovative Medicines Initiative (MI2) Programme
IMI is the world’s biggest public-private partnership (PPP) in the life sciences. It is a partnership between the European Union (represented by the European Commission) and the European pharmaceutical industry (represented by EFPIA, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations).
Revaluing the status of patients’ personal data from clinical trials
FACILITATE aims to pave the way to an efficient and tangible participation of patients in clinical trials. The project will conceptualize viable solutions through which patients whose personal data is used will have the upper hand on the decision-making relevant to their data. This will ensure a compliance with the European regulatory framework for data protection.
Putting the patient at the center of medical innovation will be achieved by reinforcing consent mechanisms and creating a platform of dialogue between different stakeholders.
The FACILITATE Project – more competitive medical innovation
Boosting medical innovation is one of the main objectives of the FACILITATE Project. The ever-growing opportunities that medical data is offering to health care actors need to be exploited in commercially viable and ethically compliant ways.
Under current regulatory data protection frameworks, insulating data from data generators creates barriers to an optimized exploitation of the tools available. Therefore, FACILITATE intervenes to create a fluid exchange involving data subjects to guarantee the availability of exploitable, high-quality health data.
Privanova’s role in the FACILITATE Project
Drawing from its expertise in working on health-related, EU-funded projects such as DIGICARE4YOU and AI4HEALTHSEC, Privanova stepped ahead as a proposal initiator for FACILITATE together with University of Belgrade Faculty of Medicine and Zentrixlab. As the consortium was developed, University of Modena took the responsibility for coordination while other partners joined as well. Finally, the consortium was reinforced by a number of industry partners from the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA).
During the FACILITATE Project active phase, Privanova will work on the commercial exploitability of its results and will have the leading role in WP7. Together with Pfizer, Privanova will conduct studies and analyses to determine the various ways FACILITATE can achieve sustainability, and have a long-lasting impact.

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